An organization’s greatest asset is its PEOPLE
CREATE a Strengths-based culture
BUILD a High-Performance Workforce
CULTIVATE elevated levels of Engagement
CliftonStrengths for Organizations & Teams
Decades of research have proven that when employees are given the opportunity to do what they do best every day, the effect on individual, team, organizational performance is powerful. In a strengths-based culture, we focus on what people do right, not what they do wrong. As a result, employees look forward to going to work, improve productivity and stay with their company longer. Managers who focus on employee strengths and teams that use CliftonStrengths experience up to 72% lower turnover, 29% increased profit and higher employee engagement. In fact, managers who predominantly focus on employees' strengths reduce active disengagement to an astoundingly low 1%.
Imagine a team where people…
Have higher levels of energy and vitality
Are more confident
Are more engaged at work
Are more likely to achieve their goals
Perform better at work
Experience less stress
Are more effective at developing themselves and growing as individuals
An organization’s greatest asset is its PEOPLE
CREATE a Strengths-based culture
BUILD a High-Performance Workforce
CULTIVATE elevated levels of Engagement
All Strengths-based Development services are provided by a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach
Duration: 90-minutes
In this 90-minute exploratory conversation, mangers will discover their unique role as a synergist. Managers will learn how they can purposefully aim their talents so that team members, both individually & collectively, are better equipped to accomplish their goals & performance objectives as well as respond to everyday situations.
How CliftonStrengths Improves Team Performance
Gallup research reveals that the most effective leaders are always investing in strengths.
What are you waiting for? Give every employee the opportunity to discover what they naturally do best and learn to use those talents to perform to their maximum potential.
Connect with us today to create a strength-based culture in your organization.
1 on 1 CliftonStrengths
Assessment & Debrief
1 on 1 CliftonStrengths
Assessment & Manager’s Debrief
1 on 1 Strengths-Based Leadership Development Coaching Package
Duration: 10 sessions
Your talents give you power & edge! The key to success is to fully understand how to apply your greatest talents in your everyday life to reach your full potential & excel. In these 10 sessions, we dive deep in understanding your unique talent themes, nuances & pairings as well as intentionally exercise or “flex” your talents to create strengths while working on your goals & performance. All this is done through confidential conversations, fun activities & powerful actions.
1 on 1 Strengths-Based Leadership for High-performance Managers
Duration: 3, 1-hour sessions
The most effective managers are self-aware. In these laser-focused 1on1 coaching sessions, managers identify performance goals, discern their unique dominant talents to effectively use them in their role as people leaders, help employees achieve performance goals, learn to anticipate perceptions & refine talents to enable the manager to enhance the effectiveness of their leadership, relationships & engagement with employees.
Triad meeting with employee, boss & Strengths coach
Introduction to StrengthsFinder
Duration: One Hour
A three-way meeting to start an open conversation between the employee who took assessment, the boss & the Strengths coach to look at their roles, their goals and how to best fit their talents to a role/task (adjust roles to fit talents). This brainstorming meeting will begin the process of determining whether talents are being leveraged in the right areas of the organization.
CliftonStrengths Workshop
Unleashing High Performing Teams
“Talent” Lunch & learn - BYOT (Bring your own Talent)
Duration: 4 Hours
When we understand each other, things work. This interactive & customized workshop utilizes the results of the CliftonStrengths assessment & debriefs to build better team leaders, engagement & collaboration by appreciating & leveraging employee talents & strengths to create high performing teams. When employees are given the opportunity to do what they do best every day, the effect on individual, team & organizational performance is powerful.
Duration: 60 to 90-minute – recommended once a month or as needed for reinforcement & retention
Reinforce talent development & team cohesion in this customized group coaching gathering. Opportunity is given for individuals to share their successes, insights, challenges & experiences with StrengthsFinder. In this interactive discussion, individuals will leave with a deeper understanding & appreciation of their own & their colleague’s talents in addition to practical actions to develop their strengths to meet their performance goals.
Gallup's Strengths-Based Leadership Workshop
Discover your Unique Leadership Strengths
Duration: Half-day (4 hours) workshop
What makes great leaders, teams & why people follow? In this personalized workshop, you will uncover the power of your unique leadership style and understanding your follower’s needs. Through this combination, you will learn that leadership is not a formula, but a natural talent that comes in all forms, shapes & sizes. This workshop is for everyone who wants to fully leverage their innate potential, live a fulfilled life & make a difference to all those around them.